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第4课时More practice, Study skills, Culture corner and self-assessment

发表日期:2020-11-16 作者:沈阳育才家教网 电话:微信号jiake7888

Unit 1 Great explorations 

4课时More practice, Study skills, Culture corner and self-assessment


I. 词汇互译

1. 发展、壮大(n._________

2. nowhere ____________

3. 非洲____________

4. ......之外(还) __________

5. American(adj.)_________

6. 重复(n)____________

7. rise _____________

8. 贸易、以物换物___________

9. 民族______________

10. 财富  _________                      

11.spread   ____________

II. 词组互译

1. 因为,由于 __________

2.............之间 __________

3. 长大  ___________                  

4. not ...until ____________

5. in the world ___________

6. such as_____________

7. be interested in __________

8. be famous for _________

9. be used for __________

10. 写下___________

III. 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。

1. 我长大想做一名教师。

I want to be a teacher when I ______ ______.

2. 马可波罗如此喜欢杭州以至于把它描述为世界最美之城。

Marco Polo loved Hnag zhou ________ ______ _________ he described it ________’the finest city _________ _______ ________.

3. 姚明由于什么而出名呢?

What is Yao Ming __________ _______?

4. 由于雨大,我不上学了。

________ _______ the rain I don’t go to school.

5. 我弟弟对画画很感兴趣。

My brother_______ ________ _______ drawing.

6. 999应该只用于紧急电话报警。

“999” should only ________ _______ emergency calls to the police


I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子

1.Yesterday, I went to the zoo and saw a lot of 

animals, such as pandas, lions and _________ (长颈鹿). 

2. Last Sunday, it was raining cats and dogs. As a result, I had ________ (无处) to go but 

stayed at home. 

3. The technology’s ____________ (发展) can make our lives more convenient. 

4. Zheng he is considered as a _______(先驱) in opening up cultural contacts between different 

people around the world. 

5. I’m going to  ______(探险)  the secret of space when I grow up.


1. Many _________(foreign) came to visit Shenzhen during the Universiade in 2011.

2. Different _______(people) of the world should unite to fight the terrorism. 

3. America is the strongest __________(America) country.

4. Health is more important than _________ (wealthy). 

5.  He traveled lot. It seemed that _________(everywhere) was too far him to visit.

6. The government _________ (office) should server the people heart and soul.

III. 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。 

1. 长大后,他成为了一名漫画家。 

When he __________ __________, he became a cartoonist. 


Zhang Bichen became _________ _________ because of the Voice of China. 


He is _________ ________ ________ be a good teacher. 


He was ________ ________ _________ he ate up all the noodles.

5.这个数学题目太难了, 我们做不出来。                

The maths problem is _______ _______ for us _______ work out.

. 选择题。

1. Marco Polo _______ in the city of Venice, in present-day Italy.   

A. grew up       B. grow up   

C. has grown up   D. had grown up 

2. Marco Polo _______ on a journey to Asia with his father and uncle.   

A. set up    B. open up 

C. set off    D. set in 

3. His travels took him ________ Asia, ________ the Silk Road and ________ China.   

A. along; over; through 

B. across; along; throughout 

C. over; along; across  

D. across; through; along 

4. He loved Hangzhou ______ much _____ he described it as “the finest city in the world”.   

A. so; that    B. enough; to 

 C. too; to    D.such; that 

5. A man wrote Marco Polo’s story down in a book _______ The Travels of Marco Polo.  

A. call   B. called   C. name    D. naming

6. —Mrs.Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.
—She said she would never forget some pleasant ________ while working there.
A. experiments  B. expressions  
C. experiences  D. emotions
7. —Tommy, do you know if Frank ________ to the zoo this Sunday if it ________? 
—Sorry, I have no idea. 
A. will go; is fine      B. goes; is fine   

C. will go; is going to be fine   

D. goes; will be fine 

8.  —Do you know ________ the man with sunglasses is?
—I’m not sure. Maybe a reporter.
A. who       B. what      C. where     D. how

9. Our teacher told us the sun ________ in the east.
A. rise     B. rose    C. rising    D. rises

10.  Could you help me put up the maps on the wall? — ________
 A. No problem.  B. I hope so. 
 C. That’s all right.     D. That’s a good idea.


I. 阅读理解。选择正确的答案。

Zhang Qian was an early traveler. He was probably the first man to bring back good information about the central Asian lands to China. 

    In 138 BC, Han Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Yue-chi people to ask for their help agains the Xiongnu.  Unfortunately, on the way to West Regions, he was caught by the Xiongnu people. Zhang had to stay with them for about 10 years before he got away. When Zhang at 

last reached the Yue-chi in Northern India, he was  disappointed to find that they didn’t want to fight against the Xiongnu people.  

     On his return journey (旅程), Zhang Qian and his men were again caught. It was not 

until 125 BC that they returned to China. Although Zhang didn’t finish his job he learned a lot about the places, people, customs and  cultures of the 36 kingdoms (王国) of Western Regions.  

Han Wudi then sent Zhang to the west again. Zhang’s journey to the west helped with international trade,  especially in silk, between China and the West.  

1. Zhang Qian was sent to the West because ________. 

 A. Han Wudi wanted to make friends with the Xiongnu people    

B. he liked travelling all over the world too much   

C. Han Wudi needed the help from the Yue-chi people    

D. he hoped to learn the cultures of other countries 

2. What do the underlined words "West Regions" mean in Chinese?  

A. 西欧   B. 西域  C. 西亚   D. 西方 

3. When did Zhang Qiang reach the Yue-chi?  

A. In 138 BC.        B. In about 148 BC.  

C. In about 128 BC.   D. In 125 BC.

4. Which of the following is TRUE? 

A. Zhang finished his job successfully in the end.   

B. Zhang did not return at last because he was caught.   

C. Zhang returned to China in about 125 AD.  

D. Zhang learned a lot about the West Region. 

5. How many times has Zhang Qian been to the west?  

A. Only once.    B. Twice.    

C. Three times.   D. Four times. 

II. 阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题

Liu Wei is very famous in China because he can play the piano with his toes(脚趾)

One day when Liu Wei was only 10 years old, he played a game with some friends He lost both his arms because of electricity ().

Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident. But soon he had to make a choice.

"For people like me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all the dreams. Which would cause a quick death. The other was to work hard without arms to live an excellent life." says Liu Wei.

Liu’s dream was to be a pianist. His excellent life included a show on China’s Got

Talent (中国达人) and a wonderful performance (演奏) playing the beautiful Marriage D’amour with his two feet on the piano.

Liu Wei learned to play the piano with his feet. And teaching himself to play the piano with his feet was very hard. Many times he wanted to give it up, but his parents went on encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud.

Maybe you can not believe that Liu Wei is able to play well only with his toes. The audience(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.

1. Why is Liu Wei very famous in China?


2. How old was Liu Wei when he lost his arms?


3. Was Liu Wei very sad when both his arms were cut off?


4. Who encouraged Liu Wei to play the piano?


5. How did the audience feel when they watched Liu’s performance?



1. 山东德州

They develop their skills _________ they can do things better and better.
 A. however  B. because   C. since    D. so that

2. 福州中考

— You study ______ hard _______ you’re sure to pass the exam.  
— Thank you for saying so. 
A. enough… to    B. as…as    C. so…that

3. 2014河南 “Underground” is the only word in the English language _______ begins and ends with the letters “und”.

A. what  B. that  C. who  D. who m

4. 2014河南

—Excuse me, can you tell me____?

—Sorry, I don’t know. You can go to the information desk.

A. that there is a train 

B. when the train leaves        

C. which train can I take             

 D. where does the train go

5. 2013安徽

It is helpful to ___________ a good habit of reading in language learning. 

A. take  B. show  C. develop  D. match 




























4课时More practice, Study skills, Culture corner and self-assessment参考答案


I. 1. development  2. 无处、哪里都不  3. besides   4. Africa   5. 美洲的   6. repetiton  7. 变得更加成功(重要、强大等)  8. trade  9. people  10. wealth  11. 传播

II. 1. because of   2. between ...and..  3. grow up   4. 直到......5. 全世界   6. 例如  7. ...感兴趣    8. 由于...而出名  9. 被用于...  10. write down

III. 1. grow up   2. so much that as   in the world    3. famous for   4. Because of   5. is interested in   6. used for 


I. 1. giraffes  2. nowhere  3. development  4. pioneer  5. explor  

II. 1. foreigners  2. peoples 3. American   4. wealth  5. nowhere 6. officials

III.  1. grow up  2. well known 3. patient enough to  4. so hungry that  5. too difficult; to

. 1.  A  2. C  3. B  4. A  5. B

6. C本题考查名词词义辨析。experiment“实验expression“表达experience“经历emotion“感情。空格所在句的句意为她说她永远也不会忘记在那工作时的一些美好的经历。故选C
7. A  结合题意汤姆,如果天气好的话,你知道弗兰克这个星期六将去动物园吗?可知第一个空是宾语从句,要用一般将来时,第二个空是条件状语从句,要用一般现在时,故排除BCD三项,选A

8. B四个选项都可以引导宾语从句,结合答语“Maybe a reporter.”可知问句是在询问人的职业,故正确答案为B。题意为你知道那个戴眼镜的男人是做什么的吗?

9. D 从句中所说太阳从东边升起是客观事实,所以不管主句用什么时态,从句总是用一般现在时,故正确答案为D.

10. A  此题考查情景交际。A没问题B 选项希望如此C选项没关系D选项好主意。根据句意:你可以帮助我把地图贴在墙上吗?此句表示向别人提出请求。只有A选项符合题意。故选A


I. 1. C  细节理解  由文章” “Han Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Yue-chi people to ask for 

their help agains the Xiongnu”可知答案

2. B  文章理解题  通读全文可知选B

3. C 节理解题  由文章 “ It was not until 125 BC that they returned to China. 可知选C

4. D 文章理解题  通读全文,文章中“Although Zhang didn’t finish his job he learned a lot 

about the places, people, customs and  cultures of the 36 kingdoms  of Western Regions.”可知只有D是对的

5. B  文章理解题   由文章“ In 138 BC, Han Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Yue-chi people 

to ask for their help agains the Xiongnu. Han Wudi then sent Zhang to the west again. ”可知共两次  

II. 1. Because he can play the piano with his toes( 脚趾 )【解析】由文章第一段得知刘伟有名的原因是他能用脚趾弹奏钢琴。

2. He was only 10 years old.   【解析】 由文章第二段得知他10岁那年因为身体触电失去了两条胳膊。

3.Yes . ( Yes , he was .)  【解析】 由文章第三段得知当他知道他因这场事故被切除两个胳膊时,他非常伤心,但他很快做出选择。

4 . His parents .     【解析】 由文章第三段得知“his parents went on encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud. ”他的父母继续鼓励他。

5 . They were deeply moved and very excited . 【解析】 由文章 最后一段 “The audience

(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.” 得知答案 。


1. D  考查状语从句。句意:他们拓展他们的技能是为了他们能够把事情做的越来越好。后面的从句表示目的,只有D符合题意。2. C   考查so…that的用法。enough...to“足够做……”as...as...“……一样so...that...“如此……以至……”。由句意:-你学习如此的努力以至于你肯定能通过考试。-谢谢你这么说。故选C

3.B 考查定语从句引导词的词义辨析 。本题句意为:“Underground”是英语这种语言中唯一一个以“und”开头和结尾的单词。分析句子结构可知,“_______ begins and ends with the letters “und””在此是定语从句,其先行词是前面的 the only word而不 in the English language,先行词中有修饰词only时,定语从句应用引导词that。故选B项。

4. B考查宾语从句的用法。本题句意为:打扰一下,你能告诉我……?真抱歉,我不知道。你可以去服务台。本句是宾语从句,从句中应用陈述句语序,所以选项CD错误;根据答语“Sorry, I don’t know.”可知,宾语从句中应是一 般疑问句句式。故选B项。

5. D   考查句型be used to doing sth意为:习惯于做某事   5. C   考查词义辨析   take意为:带走、花费等   show意为:显示、给...看等   develop意为:发展、形成    match意为:比赛、适应等   只有C符合题意